
Start Calculator


Geometric Calculator - Reference

The Geometric calculator works like a Hewlett Packard reverse polish notation calculator.

The calculator has a stack of four values: a, b, c, and t. a is displayed in a window above the keyboard, and b is displayed in a window above a. The values of c and t can be viewed by rotating the stack with the <<< key.

Numbers are entered into a using the numerical digits, the ., the E, the +/-, the x, the y, the z, and the ENTER keys. The backspace, < -, key can be used to correct errors.

The other keys perform operations on the stack, either replacing a with a new value, replacing a and b with a new value, moving stack elements around, or clearing the stack.

Here are the definitions of the calculator keys from left to right and from top to bottom.
Store a into a register.
Recall a from a register.
Cosine of a.
Sine of a.
Tangent of a.
Copy c into t, b into c, and a into b.
Exchange a and b.
Rotate the stack downwards.
Erase the last character entered, or clear the calculator.
Replace a with its multiplicative inverse.
Divide a by its magnitude.
Clear the calculator.
Enter the x basis into a.
Enter a 7 into a.
Enter an 8 into a.
Enter a 9 into a.
Divide b by a.
Inner product of b and a.
Replace a with its grade 0 part, ie its scalar part.
Replace a with its grade 1 part, ie its vector part.
Enter the y basis into a.
Enter a 4 into a.
Enter a 5 into a.
Enter a 6 into a.
Geometric product of b and a.
Outer product of b and a.
Replace a with its grade 2 part, ie its bivector part.
Replace a with its grade 3 part, ie its trivector part.
Enter the y basis into a.
Enter a 1 into a.
Enter a 2 into a.
Enter a 3 into a.
Subtract a from b.
Replace a with its reverse, or conjugate.
Replace a with its even grade part.
Replace a with its odd grade part.
Change the sign of a, or of a's exponent.
Enter a 0 into a.
Enter a decimal point into a.
Enter a power of ten exponent a.
Add a to b.
Replace a with its magnitude.
The product of -b a b.
The product of b a b*.

Roger E Critchlow Jr
Last modified: Fri May 16 19:38:27 MDT 2003