
Doodle Command Summary

All doodle commands are available from one of the four menues: Page, Mode, Pen, and Ink. The commands in each menu are described in the table below.

All doodle commands may also be entered by simply writing a command character in the graffiti region. No command prefix is necessary when writing command characters, though one is accepted if written. Thus simply writing N will create a new page, and writing R will remove the current page.

Some doodle commands may also be entered by tapping on the mode display buttons in the title bar. The left button cycles through Paint, Smear, and Erase modes, the next button cycles between Unsmooth, Smooth, and Smoother modes, the next button cycles through the pens, the next button cycles throught the inks, and the right button cycles through the existing pages.

Finally, the Palm scrolling buttons can be used to cycle through doodle pages.

MenuCommand CharMenu ItemCommand Description
CClearClear the visible part of the current screen.
FFillFill the visible part of current screen with the current ink.
NNewCreate a new page.
DDuplicateDuplicate the current page onto a new page.
RRemoveRemove the current page.
TTitleToggle the display of the Doodle title bar on or off.
-PreviousPage up to the previous screen.
+NextPage down to the next screen.
AAboutDisplay the copyright.
PPaintPaint with the current pen and ink.
SSmearSmear with the current pen.
EEraseErase with the current pen.
<UnsmoothDraw unsmoothed pen events.
=SmoothSmooth pen events in groups of four.
>SmootherSmooth pen events in groups of eight.
.FineA one by one.
·MediumA two by two. Graffiti extended-shift dot.
@BroadA five by five hollow.
,F. ItalicA four pixel italic.
/M. ItalicAn eight pixel italic.
;B. ItalicA twelve pixel italic.
11/8th12.5% grey.
22/8th25.0% grey.
33/8th37.5% grey.
44/8th50.0% grey.
55/8th62.5% grey.
66/8th75.0% grey.
77/8th87.5% grey.
9ShuffleShuffle the bits of the current ink using the bits of the current ink as the random number seed.

Roger E Critchlow Jr
Last modified: Fri May 16 19:42:30 MDT 2003